Monday, August 4, 2014

Ya Rabbi..MH17 yang ditembak jatuh adalah MH370 , mayat yang ditemui sudah mati beberapa hari sebelum nahas

Doktor Belanda yang berada di kawawan kemalangan mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa mayat-mayat yang ditemui telah reput kerana telah mati beberapa hari sebelum nahas MH17 berlaku.

Kenyataan itu selari dengan Komander tentera pemisah pro Russia yang menyatakan bahawa sebahagian besar daripada mayat yang ditemui tidak berdarah menunjukkan mereka mati beberapa hari sebelum nahas. Terdapat juga kesan penderaan pada sesetengah mayat.

Mayat siapakah yang ditemui itu? Adakah mungkin mereka adalah penumpang MH370 yang dibunuh kejam untuk menyembunyikan peri hal sebenar?

Petunjuk daripada seperti di bawah akan menunjukkan kepada anda.

1. The alleged MH17 was the same plane model as MH-370
Kapalterbang yang didakwa ditembak jatuh di Shaktarsk ialah Boeing 777-200, ID number M9-MRD.

Kapalterbang yang hilang MH370 adalah dari model yang sama, 777-200, cuma id berbeza - ID number M9-MRO.

2. The crashed plane had a different configuration of windows than MH17

MH17 mempunyai tingkap tambahan (lihat gambar di bawah) di sebelah pintu kanan yang tiada pada MH370 — Gambar serpihan pesawat yang didakwa MH17 itu tidak mempunyai tingkap tambahan. Tetapi lebih mirip kepada MH370

lihat gambar serpihan. lebih mirip MH17 atau Mh370???
mh17 is mh370

Jim Stone brings more photographic evidence supporting the connection between the wreckage and flight MH-370:

“Seterusnya kita lihat serpihan yang didakwa sebagai MH17. Perhatikan kedudukan bendera Malaysia. Ianya selari dengan tingkap. MH17 tidak mempunyai keselarian ini. Apakah maksud semua ini?
mh370 - flag - mh17

Meurut penulis bebas Jim Stone, “It is important to note that MH370 [bellow] was new, and therefore never repainted. This is the way the flag ALWAYS looked on Flight 370, and it forever pegs the shoot down plane as flight 370.”
MH370 photo
mh17 windows configuration doesn't match crashed plane

So, what does it all mean?

Serpihan pesawat yang didakwa MH17 itu tidak menepati ciri-ciri MH17. Tiada tingkap di bawah bendera. Konfigurasinya tidak menepati ciri-ciri MH17 sebaliknya menepati ciri-ciri MH370.

KESIMPILANNYA JELAS: Serpihan tersebut adalah milik MH370.

3. Rebel leader describes the MH17 victims: rotten corpses, drained of blood
mayat keras dan bengkak (begitu cepat???)

“A top pro-Russia rebel commander in eastern Ukraine has given a bizarre version of events surrounding the Malaysian jetliner crash — suggesting many of the victims may have died days before the plane took off. (…) [People at the crash site]: ‘A significant number of the bodies weren’t fresh,’ adding that he was told they were drained of blood and reeked of decomposition.” [2]

According to independent journalist Jim Stone:

“It is being said that a Dutch doctor who was at the scene within a day has released testimony that the bodies on the plane were rotten and dead days before the crash, which would corroborate what the military commander said and that evidence is there that they were also tortured before the crash. However, the translation from Dutch is very poor and I am working on secondary confirmation.”

This means that the bodies found at the crash site in Ukraine are probably the passengers of MH370.

4. ALL the videos were created before MH17 was allegedly shot down

“A look at the time stamps for the nine versions of the video that allegedly shows a conversation between Ukrainian anti-fascists and the Russian military and uploaded to what is said to be the Ukrainian Security Service (SSU) youtube account, indicating that all the videos were created before MH17 wrecked in the afternoon 2014-07-1.” [3]
Remarkable unit with timestamps confirmed by the date stamp for when the videos were uploaded to a local server contained herein.

5. MH-17 propaganda picture doesn’t match the facts

Menurut Daily Mail, MH17 telah dirakam gambarnya oleh seorang penumpang sebelum berlepas. ID kapalterbang yang didakwa MH17 itu tidak sepadan dengan ID MH17 yang sebenar. MH17 sebenar mempunyai ID ialah M9-MRD tetapi ID kapalterbang yang ditembak jatuh ialah M9-MRC.

According to the Daily Mail, Flight MH-17 was photographed by one of the passengers just before boarding, but the identification number doesn’t macth! MH-17′s ID number is 9M-MRD (Wikipedia):
MH-17 9M-MRD - Wikipedia

The ID of the plane in the propaganda picture is 9M-MRC (Daily Mail): 
MH17 wrong tale identification number

6. Flight MH17 was cancelled, according to flight radar screen
Jadual penerbangan yang direkodkan di Belanda pada hari kejadian menunjukkan bahawa penerbangan MH17 dibatalkan. Kapalterbang manakah yang mengambil alih penerbangan MH17?

Flight Radar-24 screen capture on the day following the crash (7/18) shows MH-17, (9M-MRD) as “canceled” on the date of the crash (7/17): [4]
7. Invalid and pristine passports at the crash site

Semua pasport penumpang berkeadaan baik tanpa calar atau kesan kebakaran sedangkan kapalterbang yang didakwa MH17 itu terbakar teruk. Rumput-rumpur disekitar juga hangus terbakar. Tetapi pasport-pasport penumpang tidak bercalar walau sedikit pun.

Terdapat juga pasport Malaysia yang digunting berbentuk segi tiga menunjukkan bahaw pasport tersebut adalah pasport tamat tempoh atau tidak sah. Bagaimanakah seseorang boleh melepasi imigresen dengan menggunakan pasport tidak sah?

All the passports appearing in the propaganda video are in mint condition. They want us to believe that ALL passports have escaped undamaged after an airplane filled with fuel was shot down by a SAM missile — not to mention the 33,000 feet drop.

And that’s not all! Many of presented passports are clearly invalid: some have been ‘hole-punched’ in the upper left-hand corner, while others have been ‘clipped’ (triangular cut-out from right-hand center front cover) – making it impossible that any of these decommissioned passports could be used to travel internationally at the flight’s port of Departure in Amsterdam. [5]
Bagasi dan pakaian penumpang tak carik tak terbakar. semua elok macam baru beli.


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